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Anderson Community Development Corporation [Anderson CDC] works with affordable housing projects. Affordable housing is for families seeking lower rent rates but have income that is or exceeds three to four times the amount of rent.  If Anderson CDC cannot meet your needs, we encourage you to explore the resources offered through Green Doors, Caritas of Austin, and Habitat for Humanity. Green Doors works to provide housing options as well as supportive services to homeless veterans, homeless families, and those that are at-risk of homelessness. Caritas of Austin provides housing, financial assistance, and services to those facing homelessness or a housing crisis. Lastly, Habitat for Humanity provides services geared to assist low-income families in the pursuit of homeownership, provides much needed repairs to properties belonging to households with income less than 60% median family income, and offers educational classes on finance and homeownership.


Green Doors

Green Doors' mission is to prevent and help end homelessness and poverty housing for those working to achieve independent living in Central Texas.

Caritas of Austin

Caritas provides a service continuum for those experiencing poverty that begins with a safety net and links them to resources to achieve self-sufficiency.

Habitat for Humanity

Through faith in action, Austin Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build HOMES, COMMUNITIES and HOPE.

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